Workshop Program

Baby FACS Lecture

Dr. Harriet Oster Lecture: The Nature and Measurement of Infant Facial Expressions

Monday, 11th October: 17h30
Duration: 45 min

·         Theoretical and Methodological Issues
·          The importance of emotion in early development
·          Traditional Models of Development: Differentiation vs. Discrete Emotion Theories
·          An alternative, Ontogenetic Perspective
·          The advantages of a comprehensive, anatomically based coding system
·          The basic repertoire of infant facial expressions
·         Research with Baby FACS
·          Cross-cultural studies
·          Research on infants in pediatric and clinically at risk populations
·          Research on toddler’s emotional expressions in challenging situations

Baby FACS Workshop (12-15th October) 
Tuesday 12th October: 10h30-13h00
·         Infant-Adult Differences in Facial Morphology and Facial Movement
·          Embryological development of facial muscles and facial nerve innervation
·          Effects of morphological differences on appearance changes produced by muscle actions
·          Overview of modifications of FACS AUs and coding requirements for infant faces
·          Intensity Scoring
·          Problems commonly encountered in coding infant facial expressions
Tuesday 12th October: 14h30-17h00
·         Appearance Changes in Upper Face Actions
·          Brow knitting and lowering: distinguishing Baby FACS AU 3 (brow knitting) from AU 4 (brow knotting and lowering)
·          Brow raising (AUs 1, 2, 1+2)
·          Combinations of AUs 3 and/or 4 with AUs 1 and/or 2
·          Eyelid and upper cheek movements: AUs 5, 7, and 6; combinations with brow movements
·          Eye closing and upper eyelid drooping: AU 43
·          Blinking and winking: AUs 45 and 46
·          Head movements and direction of gaze
Wednesday 13th October: 10h30-13h00
·         Appearance Changes in Lower Face Actions
·          Up-Down Actions: AUs 9, 10, 15, 17, and lip-mouth opening, AUs 25, 26, 27
·          Horizontal Actions: AUs 20 and 14
·          Oblique Actions: AUs 11, 12, and 13
Wednesday 13th October: 14h30-17h00
·         Appearance Changes in Lower Face Actions, continued
·          Orbital Actions: AUs 18, 22, 23, 24, and 28
·          Miscellaneous Actions and Additions to Baby FACS (tongue positions-shapes, infant reflexes)
Thursday 14th October:  10h30-13h00
·         Distinctive Infant Facial Expressions
·          Facial expressions related to sensory information processing, cognitive processes, and adaptive responses to the environment
·          Taste-related facial expressions
·          Smiling: variants and intensities of smiles; Baby FACS matrices
·          Cry faces; variants and intensities of cry faces
·          Pre-cry expressions and modulated negative expressions related to emotion regulation
·          The question of “blends”
Thursday 14th October: 14h30-17h00
·         Special problems: Describing cultural, group, and individual differences
·          Similarities and difference across cultures
·          Atypical infants: modifications for preterm infants, infants with facial anomalies and Down syndrome, blind infants, etc.

·         Measurement and analysis strategies
·          Unitizing behavior
·          Analyzing full-face configurations (putting the face back together)
Friday 15th October: 10h30-13h00
·         Review and brief proficiency quiz
·         Illustrations from participants’ studies
·         Discussion of participants’ projects

End of workshop & Workshop lunch
Friday 15th October Afternoon
Group trip social event